Friday, June 18, 2010

Adventures in Yellowstone

I had this WHOLE WEEK OFF from EFY, and so I spent it up in Yellowstone with my little Bro, Matthew! It was a rockin' time! We started a game where we would get points every time we saw an animal. Matthew won. He has an eagle eye! I really love Yellowstone. It is a gorgeous place! I try and go there each summer to just get out of the hustle and bustle of life. (Next summer, I want to go backpacking through there, so if you are interested, let me know...)

We started off at about 5am, and worked our way up to Jackson, Wyoming, where we
ate breakfast, and saw our first animal!
We got really clos
e to a full grown ELK!!! Matt
hew was imitating it, so I think that is the reason that it didn't get nervous, seeing as Matthew looked just like one...
...We also had another
interesting character in our midst: Don Quixote's cousin, Twizzler Julio

The weather was splendid, and we got the chance to take in the beauty that surrounded us. Each night we wrote in our journals,
and drew pictures of
hings that had particularly struck a chord with us.
We saw
Old Faithful, and even named a few geyser's of our own.
This one we named
FIREBALL GEYSER... ------------------>

It rained our first night there, so when we woke up in the morning, we decided to make a quick stop by the "comfort station". It is so incredibly nice that they have those there...


All in all, it was a good trip! I love my little bro sooo much. It was good to just spend some time with just him having fun, drinking hot chocolate, imitating buffalo, almost burning our tent down when the gas stove exploded, and chasing each other in the rain. I am so grateful that our family is forever! I wouldn't have it any other way!

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